by Monica Varo | Oct 18, 2018 | Blog
Sometimes we struggle with our need to please others so much that we need a “crutch”. So, we turn towards food sometimes. We usually run use the expression: “I’m hungry for love”. “I’m hungry for power, for rewards” and...
by Monica Varo | Oct 6, 2018 | Blog
Fear of failure is something most of us struggle with. We always run away from failure, so we feel that “it’s never good enough”. Most of us often have anxiety about not succeeding in something we plan to do. For this reason, we feel disappointed...
by Monica Varo | Sep 13, 2018 | Blog
Today I’m going to talk about physical and emotional pain. Sometimes we have physical pain and illnesses. We struggle, we go to the doctors and there’s nothing wrong with us. Yet, here we go again and again. Did you know that actually quite a lot and a...
by Monica Varo | Aug 21, 2018 | Blog
One of the most common issues of my patients regards food and their eating habits. Always more often, people are stressing out about food and how they look. Some are eating too much. But have you ever questioned yourself how many times do you eat actually when you are...
by Monica Varo | Aug 3, 2018 | Blog
Do You Struggle to Believe in Yourself? Do You Find Social Occasions an Effort? You’re not alone. Life can feel like too much of an effort sometimes. Summoning the energy to face challenges can drain your already deleted resources, making you feel that there’s no...