Hypnosis For Anxiety and Depression

Hypnosis For Anxiety and Depression

Hypnosis For Anxiety and Depression: what causes anxiety? Anxiety is a normal, healthy response to situations that appear threatening. It tells us when to be cautious and vigilant, preparing us for action if necessary. However, sometimes this natural emotion can...
How to find your true self

How to find your true self

To discover how to find your true self, try answering this question: Who are you? Do not be too surprised if you do not know. It is a difficult question to answer. If you are like most people, you will be very quick to label yourself. You are a mother. You’re a...
Stop! Running away from problems won’t help you…

Stop! Running away from problems won’t help you…

Feeling worried and anxious again? Would you love to get away from all those things that are bothering you and making you unhappy? Do the unpleasant thoughts you push to the back of your mind keep re-surfacing? If this all sounds familiar, then what you are doing is...
3 main choices you can do to make yourself happy

3 main choices you can do to make yourself happy

Everyone wants to be happy. Happy people enjoy life more than unhappy ones and seem to have more friends. They are a pleasure to be with. Are there any choices that can help you make yourself happy? Here are three suggestions. Stop Saying “Can’t” will make yourself...